
Hire FreelanceXsensArtists

Xsens Technologies B.V. is a supplier of 3D motion capture products, wearable sensors and inertial sensors based upon miniature MEMS inertial sensor technology.

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Explore Our Xsens Artists

MLC Studio


United Kingdom


3D Character - Female Viking by MLC Studio
3D Character - Arthur by MLC Studio
No Man's North - RV by MLC Studio

GlassFrog Productions



Digital Double Example by GlassFrog Productions
The World Below - A glimpse into what lies beneath the waves by GlassFrog Productions
San Borondon: The Curse of Ghost Island Film by GlassFrog Productions

Deep Sky Games


12:08 PM



Petri by Deep Sky Games
Forgotten Playland by Deep Sky Games
Horizon: Call of the Mountain by Deep Sky Games