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Ryan T.

Voxel Artist

10:33 AM

United States


The Leaf Goddess Set: Voxel Art by Ryan T.
Demon Horns with Silver Halo Taped on by Ryan T.
Wood & Metal Doors: Voxel Art by Ryan T.

Mind Studios Games




Fables & Tactics by Mind Studios Games
Beetle Riders 3D by Mind Studios Games
CyberHero - Cyberpunk TPS by Mind Studios Games

Caio S.

3D Modeler

12:33 PM



The Basement by Caio S.
Web Cam Adaptation by Caio S.
The Piano by Caio S.

Jaye E.

Character Artist

10:33 AM



Webtoon IF The boy in the raincoat by Jaye E.
Contemporary Apartment Design by Jaye E.
Marz &Venus by Jaye E.

Catalyst Studio


11:33 AM



Checkmate Showdown by Catalyst Studio
Two Falls (Nishu Takuatshina) by Catalyst Studio
OUTBRK by Catalyst Studio

Calin T.

Audio Engineer

5:33 PM



Drag Sim: King Of The Racing by Calin T.