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Immortals Studios


11:34 PM



Mount model for Diablo IV by Immortals Studios
Axe for Diablo IV by Immortals Studios
Druid Armor for Diablo IV by Immortals Studios

Kevan J.

3D Animator

3:34 PM

United Kingdom

Am I Iron Man? A LEGO Stop Motion Short by Kevan J.
The Loop of Faith - A Racing Short by Kevan J.

Phillip R.

3D Modeler

9:34 AM



CIBC Ambitions : Mars Adventure by Phillip R.

Pedro R.

3D Artist

12:34 PM



Equipment Assets by Pedro R.
Desktop Assets by Pedro R.

Charly S.

Cinematic Artist

3:34 PM

United Kingdom


Out and About - Cinematic by Charly S.
Paleo Pines - Cinematics by Charly S.
The Final Farewell by Charly S.