Paul BannonOctober 27th, 2020

Artist Interview with Moh Z Mukhtar

2D concept artist Moh shares his knowledge on all things 2D in this short interview.

Moh Mukhtar

Experience:10 Years
Key skills:2D Concept Artist

Moh gives us some tips on becoming a successful 2D concept artist, and chats about his upcomming personal project.

Hi there! Can you tell us a little about yourself and your skillset?

Hi! I'm Moh and I'm a Senior Concept Artist in the games industry. I specialize in creating and improving an IP's visual stylization; whether it's characters, weapons, UI, or environments, I ensure the design language is of top quality in all these areas of a game's development.

When did you first realize you wanted to work in the games industry?

I decided I wanted to become a concept artist in my second year of my Games Design course at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN), it was then where I discovered the details of a game's pre-production phase and it intrigued me to no end for the exploration and possibilities of ideas.

What sort of education or training did you pursue to improve your skills as a 2D artist? Do you think this fully prepared you for working as a 2D artist?

My 2D or art background stretched far back even before my official education. I had the passion to create and design characters from an early age and I wanted to pursue that through learning the fundamentals of art by undertaking a Fine Arts course, a Graphic Design course, and finally a Games Design course. I did not end the development of my skills there as I've undergone training in my personal time by creating my own projects mimicking a pre-production phase of an IP, and focusing on different styles of each project.

What do you think are the most important things that an artist needs in order to become a high-level professional like you?

I believe one of the most important things an artist really needs is passion and consistency.

Who are the artists that inspired you?

AI have a lot of artists that inspire me in multiple ways. Where Leonardo Da Vinci inspired my line work and sketching style, Thierry 'Barontieri' Doizon inspired a modern approach to sketching in high quality in a small time frame.

Name one thing you love about your job? And one thing you would love to change if you could?

I love the absolute endless waves of ideas I'm allowed to explore during the creation of an IP. And one thing I would change is having more time.

Thanks for your time, before you go can you tell us what we can expect to see from you next?

Thanks for having me! I'm currently working on a project that's soon to be released worldwide, and it's a project I've been proud to work on for the last 2 years. It's a fantasy setting Tactical-RPG mobile game where collecting and improving powerful Heroes can keep you on top of the game. I'm also working on a personal fan project to improve my skills further where I illustrate or visualize certain scenes in Warhammer 40.000 novels.

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