Animation Supervisor

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Explore Our Animation Supervisor Artists

David m.

3D Artist

12:08 PM



Stylised Dog rigging and animations by David m.
Maya game character rigging Mgear by David m.
3D creatures concepts by David m.


3D Animator

5:08 PM



Steve Jobs | Pioneers of Change by RTB R.
XD Bros by RTB R.
The Null Juice Commercial by RTB R.



1:08 PM


Illustration - Futuristic Female Battle by Freeze
Character Illustration of Kronin Sol by Freeze
Stylised art Christmas Illustration by Freeze

André M.

2D Animator

8:08 AM



Character Animation by André M.
Explainer commercial ad by André M.
Explainer documental video by André M.

Dark Sandwich


7:08 PM



Champions 2024 Skin Reveal Trailer // VALORANT by Dark Sandwich
FUEL // Araxys Skinline Trailer - VALORANT by Dark Sandwich
Alien Dog Attack by Dark Sandwich