Animation Producer

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Ali T.

3D Animator

12:00 PM


Fabric Materials Presentation by Ali T.
Mountain Path Level by Ali T.
The Forgotten Cemetery by Ali T.

Suheer A.

3D Animator

4:00 PM



Seamaster- Watch 3d Animation by Suheer A.
Tech Robot Animation: Dynamic Brand Introduction by Suheer A.
Photorealistic Lobby Rendering by Suheer A.


3D Animator

5:00 PM



Steve Jobs | Pioneers of Change by RTB R.
XD Bros by RTB R.
The Null Juice Commercial by RTB R.

Immortals Studios


7:00 PM



Mount model for Diablo IV by Immortals Studios
Axe for Diablo IV by Immortals Studios
Druid Armor for Diablo IV by Immortals Studios

Zvky Design Studio P.

2D Animator



3D Characters by Zvky Design Studio P.
3D Environment by Zvky Design Studio P.
3D Vehicles by Zvky Design Studio P.

Ajdin D.

2D Animator

5:00 AM


VFX, CG supervisor by Ajdin D.

Fhadex m.

2D Animator

12:00 PM



3d realistic league of legends character design by Fhadex m.
3d character animation by Fhadex m.

Shamel H.

3D Artist

3:00 PM

United Arab Emirates


The Clown by Shamel H.
Dubai Defender by Shamel H.

Dark Sandwich


7:00 PM



Champions 2024 Skin Reveal Trailer // VALORANT by Dark Sandwich
FUEL // Araxys Skinline Trailer - VALORANT by Dark Sandwich
Alien Dog Attack by Dark Sandwich